STEM Learning Resources

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has impacted children and their normal learning environments. Educators, administrators and parents are quickly transitioning and adapting to online curriculum and digital web-based learning platforms. The JetBlue Foundation is working with grantees and partners to continue to support science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) learning outside the classroom during this time. As the situation continues to evolve, the below resources can help encourage STEM virtual learning in the near term.

Educator and Parent Resources
Women in STEM College and Career Guide
First for Educators
Tips and tools for online and at-home learning
TIME for kids

Fun STEM Activities
Science Buddies offers fun hands-on activities
The Ultimate STEM Guide for Kids
NASA at home for students
Virtual Museums and Galleries Tour

Virtual STEM/Aviation Education Learning Partners
New York Hall of Science
Hiller Aviation Museum
Museum of Discovery and Science
The Orlando Science Center

Understanding COVID19 - Science for Kids
Talking to Children about COVID-19 : A Parent Resource
Coronavirus Lesson Plans and Resources


Learning at home


STEM Resources


More Stories


FLY WOMEN - Hazel Theriault

Hazel Theriault from the Orlando Science Center, a JetBlue Foundation grantee talks about being a “possibility model” and showing young girls they can do this too.


FLY WOMEN - Alexandra Panova

Alexandra Panova, Manager Administrative International at JetBlue shares the importance of cultivating a positive growth mindset and sparking curiosity to encourage lifelong learning.