Inspiring the Next Generation

The JetBlue Foundation, in partnership with the Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals (OBAP), hosts nearly 200 students for week-long ACE Academy camps in seven BlueCities. ACE, which stands for Aviation Career Education, exposes students to the world of aviation and shows them that this industry is also an option for their futures.

We need these kids!

The JetBlue Foundation was founded to help promote aviation education and ignite an interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), in under-represented groups – particularly minorities and women.
Our industry is growing quickly and over the coming years there will be a huge demand for pilots and other aviation professionals. We know that the industry can’t rely on the traditional ‘talent pipelines’ to fill our future positions; we need to be innovative to fire up passion for aviation among the next generation. We need to make sure that these kids see the aviation industry as an attractive place to work!


Grant Recipient


JetBlue Focus Cities


ACE Academy Camps


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FLY WOMEN - Alexandra Panova

Alexandra Panova, Manager Administrative International at JetBlue shares the importance of cultivating a positive growth mindset and sparking curiosity to encourage lifelong learning.


Inspiring the Next Generation

Every summer, the JetBlue Foundation sponsors the ACE Academy Camps to help to ignite a passion for our industry in young people who maybe didn’t even know a career in aviation was possible.